Main page -> Commercial offer

Commercial offer

ALC PKF “Arzhanitsa” – a small manufacturing enterprise with a private form of ownership, since 1996 specializes in the production of food.

A distinctive feature of canned berries and natural syrups produced at the enterprise is the absence of chemical additives in their composition and a high content of dry substances (not less than 65%).

All manufactured products are made to order and have the maximum time for its implementation to customers.

ALC PKF “Arzhanitsa” is a manufacturer of the supplied products.

All manufactured products have a Declaration of Conformity of the Customs Union (Eurasian Economic Union) for mass production in the Republic of Belarus.

For the entire range of products, Arzhanitsa has a Declaration of Conformity of the Customs Union (Eurasian Economic Union).

In accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Poland dated “08” December 2011, food products with code CN 1704 are not included in the list of goods subject to border sanitary inspection of the European Union.

Registered address and mailing address:
211800, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk Region, Glubokoe Str. Dzerzhinsky, 19/2.

P / s BY61 BAPB 3012 4707 4004 2000 0000 (white rub.)

CBU No. 239 in the town of Deep Regional Directorate for the Vitebsk region
Belagroprombank OJSC, BIK BAPBBY2Х.
Address CBU No. 239: Glubokoe, pl. September 17th, 14

UNP 300021436; OKPO 14409603

Point of unloading: Glubokoe, ul. Dzerzhinsky 19/2

Director: Anatoly Brilenok (based on the Charter)

Director – 8 (02156) 5-73-45
Accounting – 8 (02156) 5-73-44
Tel./Fax – 8 (02156) 5-73-46